Have you ever wondered how to do better marketing? Some people may think that the answer lies in a company spending as much money as it can, while other people may think that doing less work is better. Neither of these ideas is necessarily good, but they’re what some might […]
Category: SEO and Websites
6 Ways to Improve Your Local SEO
As a business owner, you know that having a strong online presence is crucial to success. But what if you’re not sure how to get started? Or what if you’ve tried local SEO tactics in the past, but they haven’t yielded results? Don’t worry – you’re not alone. Many business […]
Can You Make a Local Business SEO Plan Without A Physical Location?
Have you ever wondered what a world would look like if everyone had the same job, the same network of friends, and, more importantly, the same hobbies and passions? It’s a world where everything is the same, and you question whether the innovation that drives the internet today would ever […]
How To Use Instagram to Power More Sales
In the past, social media marketing has been very difficult to use. You needed to create a lot of content, and spend a lot of time promoting them, and most people just weren’t on Facebook or Instagram. However, the landscape has changed. Now, it is the most common platform for […]
What Every Content Writer Should Know About SEO
Everybody loves to read, and many people like to write as well. Many of us think we can make money from writing, but how can you make money from writing if you can’t sell your content? SEO is a valuable tool that lets people find your content on the web, […]
How Businesses Will Use Bloggers and Instagram Video to Drive More Sales
When we are a blogger, we may be asked to write content for a video, as well as write it to appear as text on a website. In both cases, we will want to make it engaging to capture the hearts and minds of the reader or viewer. As a […]
The Importance of SEO For Your Business
The phrase Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is thrown around a lot by business owners, but often many are confused about what it really means and what they can do to improve their SEO. We’re here to break down SEO for you and explain what it means, how it works, and […]
How Does Google Ranking Work?
Despite Google having more than one algorithm to rank web pages (and that its ranking algorithm is constantly changing), there are some similarities among the various formulas that the search engine uses. The basic idea behind Google’s ranking algorithm is that the more pages that link to your web page, […]
4 Different Ways of Storing Business Documents
-By Lyon Williams When it comes to keeping track of information it is something that a business must simply be on top of. Certain documents are required to be retained by law, details of staff and where they are up to with their knowledge will help with staff training and […]